Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Crisis Plan

In my blog we've covered a few examples of businesses in crisis.  Crisis PR and crisis management hopefully help to stall and halt disaster in these situations.  In order for the company to survive, however, the key is crisis PLANNING.  This requires preparation, resources, and practice.   Although disaster may not be expected, it is crucial to have a plan before it hits.  It is easy for managers to be naive, so F. John Reh offers some advice to keep in mind for crisis planning:

1. Disasters WILL happen
2. The plan must be made BEFORE the disaster occurs
3. React urgently, without panic
4. Just ride it out

How do you create a crisis management plan for your business?  Consultants are here for you, one of which being The Institute for Crisis Management who offer risk management services to help companies get started!  An effective plan should consider every conceivable crisis, who would talk to whom in such an event, how to efficiently fix the problem, and a media strategy to put in place.  

The media is a crucial aspect of crisis PR, which means a crisis communication plan is a necessity.  Designate a spokesperson, and begin to develop a solid relationship with reporters in all aspects of the media.  This could help ease the blow when the media gets involved with a disaster.  When a press conference must be made, Reh offers additional tips:

1. Know what to say ahead of time and repeat it often
2. Contact the media immediately even if you don't have an answer, don't wait until there is 'something to say' 
3. Be honest and direct!
4. Only convey the facts, speculating is a great way to make things worse

To survive the crisis, remember, it is most important to minimize the damage to your company, reputation, and credibility than to minimize your financial expense.  Investing time and resources in your plan NOW, is worth the expense once a PR disaster strikes.  Knowing how to handle a crisis prior to it happening, acting fast, getting the media involved, and being outright and honest are all key in how crisis planning can help you survive the unthinkable.

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

for the first post - remember you need to have a news story or some reason to have gone to the site - otherwise it's just sort of random. Give the reader a reasons to go t here
