The first stage of this "transformative crisis" included the initial media frenzy and constant news coverage. With any move that was made, the university was bombarded with questions and critiques. Now, it is what Douglas Quenqua coins as the 'recovery phase.' PR Week describes the steps VT has taken in order to get their organization back to what it's known for: a university, not a site of a school shooting.
VT created an Office of Recovery and Support offered to anyone who seeks counsel, including students, staff, and families of the victims. This was a crucial step the college took that allowed people to have a central point of contact. It is important that any student, teacher, family member etc. be able to have an outlet for grief and a source for information. In addition, for the new school year, training sessions were arranged to help faculty members deal with any concerns from incoming students or parents. 'Rules of engagement' were also set up for faculty and students to help them deal with any media inquisitions.
The Virginia Tech homepage is another tool used to get the university back on track. Like that of any other school, it includes pictures of happy students, notable achievements and upcoming events. However, in the top corner is a black ribbon that states 'we remember.' It is a link that takes visitors to a site listing the victims names, and offers help and support.
This seems to be the general theme of VT's tactics to return to a sense of normality. Although the tragic event is encouraged to be remembered and is touched upon in school ceremonies, newspapers, magazines, and websites, it is not dwelled upon, as to not overshadow the primary purpose of the university. I believe that VT has gone to great lengths to achieve their goal of reaching normalcy. Although this event is something that will never be forgotten, this organization has made it their job to push past it, while at the same time, not dismissing it. This university's focus is on the education it provides, and nothing should change that. VT has been able to prepare all members of the college community for dealing with the media, dealing with others concerns, and the coping/recovery process in general. Because of this, I believe Virginia Tech will be successful in moving past this intense ordeal.
Quenqua, D. (2008). The road to recovery. PR Week (US), 12. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from Lexis Nexis Academic.
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